Wednesday, May 20, 2009


These are the words to describe how I'm feeling now:

Tired. Hungry. Happy. Grateful. Old. Antsy. Anxious. Nostalgic. Excited. Nervous. Sad. Sleepy.

And yes, some of those are contradictory. Which really isn't that surprising because spring quarter is just a strange time of year. You are wrapping up one year, reflecting on the good times you've had and the friends you've made, and all you want to do is chill in the sun with those good people and ENJOY LIFE. But...this thing called homework is like a monster, growing bigger and bigger and threatening to consume all your time. And then! There's next year! You finally know where you will be living, what you will be doing, and you're starting to get excited! Who wants to wait until next year? You want to start getting involved now! But that will bring year won't be like this year. And the question remains: how should you spend your time? Homework. Old friends. New friends. Homework. Staff. Work. Research papers. Finals.

Is it any surprise that I feel torn at times?

In a word, it's transition.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, welcome to this thing called life. Life is transition. Life is journey. Life is process. Life is change. Oh how I LOVE change. Have a terrific Thursday.


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