Sunday, May 17, 2009


First of all, photo credit to my dad, since he insists on having copyright to all his photos.

Yesterday was my 20th birthday! To sum up the day, here are 20 things I loved about turning 20:

1. The sun was out and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Perfect temperature!
2. My dear, dear roommate bought me flowers. :)
3. I woke up at 5:30 due to excitement...just like a little kid on Christmas morning.
4. I wore my new clothes (finally, I have jeans again!).
5. My friends surprised me at breakfast! It was wonderful.
6. I talked to my sister, who thinks she is all grown up at the tender age of 11.
7. My dad, mom, other sister, and grandpa came up to visit me!
8. Moonlight Sonata tea at the Teacup. Sooo great.
9. Getting a tea strainer! Finally!
10. Seattle Cheese Festival! Crazy, yes. Crowded, yes. Hot, yes. Fun, definitely.
11. Presents&Cake with my family!
12. We lit candles in the residence halls....OH SNAP!
13. Reading my mom's calendar from 1988, i.e., the year before I was born. :)
14. Indian food: chicken tiki masala and naan bread galore. LOVE IT.
15. Leftovers.
16. Doing absolutely NO homework.
17. Surprise #2 from the girls on my floor!
18. Having a Coach Sarah cake!
19. Get phone calls/texts/facebook messages/cards from so many of my friends.
20. Being surrounded by wonderful people all day, with no stress or disappointments, but just chill, relaxed, beautiful, fun-filled day.


  1. Still can't believe you're 20. But what a splendid day in Seattle. Gorgeous and fabulous planned events. Thanks and happy twenties!

  2. Yay!! I finally got a chance to read this post. :) I have been saving it for when I wasn't buried in micro. Ok so I'm still buried in micro, but not so perilously. :) Enjoy the Teacup! Congrats on your 4th day of being 20. :)

  3. I am glad I got mentioned! I got a G-mail which means I have a name on blogger! hehe! your 20! only 1 more year till you can do anything!


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