Tuesday, June 16, 2009

sum, sum, summertime!

SUMMER. It has finally arrived, and here I am, back in the good ol' City of Roses. One more year down. I can't believe I'm halfway through college, but I'm happy to have a breather and break from homework for a bit (or 4 months...a little longer than a bit).

What I've enjoyed since being home: lounging on the coach, sipping my thé caramel, taking bubble baths, reading for FUN (current book of choice: Hood by Stephen Lawhead - saw him do a reading at SPU just a couple weeks ago), seeing the fam, catching up with old friends.

And what else have I been doing? Working, working, working. Sweeping, scrubbing, and shop vac-ing dear old Sellwood Pool, getting it all ready for next Monday morning. Well, Saturday, actually, when devoted parents stand in line for a good hour to sign their kids up for a week of free swimming lessons. That pool gets DIRTY. I've killed more spiders this week (and ants and centipedes and other creepy crawly critters) than ever before in my life. I also scrubbed every darn toilet in that facility.

Also, going to grad parties, going to the dentist, looking for a car, and updating my etsy.

Things on the to-do list: play guitar, paint, garage sale shop, take pictures, update my blog more often (just for you, Dad) and more.

Oh, and one last thing. I've decided, it's for sure, this is going to be one heck of an awesome summer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

what i have been doing with my life...

It's been far too long since I consistently blogged. I know. Here is the picture story of what my life has been like these last couple crazy weeks.

This is how I write research papers:

All my notes

Write the first draft.

Edit, edit, edit.

So that's that. It's the end of the year, folks, and schoolwork just piles up, up, and up.

We're almost done, though! And I have beautiful summer nights to look forward to.

This Is Where The People Who Read My Blog Live...
