Monday, April 27, 2009

Third Times the Charm

So I am just tired of seeing that bowl of top ramen from my last post...why do people eat that stuff? Sure it tastes good, but really...sooo bad for you. So, I'm updating so I can see some new pictures.

Last week I went to Boston, MA, with SPU's Gospel Choir. It was a blast! (The above picture is from Little Italy in the North End. Note the emphasis on the Boston accent.) The first day I was there I had time to sightsee. I've already been to Boston, so I didn't feel the need to cram in every single historic sight, especially since I've seen them once before. My friend Grace and I opted to just go have our own adventure. In the process, we started taking pictures of the number 3 wherever we could find it. The pictures below are some of the coolest 3's I found.


  1. Why the number three? Why not four or two or 146? Is there some rationale behind the selection of this number?

  2. Three is the BEST number, and you should always guess 3 if you don't know on a math test. (once my math teacher gave a test with all the answers = 3...and some people didn't catch on...)

    Anyways, I think your blog is great and I am constantly amazed and blessed by you Sarah Baggs!

  3. Awww, thanks Olivia!

    Dad, 3 is a holy number. Like the Trinity. And I'm really holy, so basically that's why. ;) No, kidding, actually I don't have a really good reason, and I mostly like even numbers, but 3 is the exception.

  4. I love even numbers too! especially 12 and 18, but I'm not sure why. Boston sounds wonderful, I am so glad you got to go. God is really good! :D

  5. Because 3 was my basketball and volleyball number of course. And I am the 3rd child. And I feel like this comment is making me sound very egocentric so I'll stop here.

    I'm glad we share an affection for the number 3. :)


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