Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Haiku Wednesday

It appears that I spoke too soon yesterday. The clouds came rolling in, the wind picked up, and now it is freezing outside. Spring, where have you gone?

The highlights of my day:

-2 people bought something from my etsy site! My site (sadielou.etsy.com) has been up for 4 months, but alas, the only purchase I made was to my friend Olivia...until today! Two paychecks also came in, so overall, I'm feeling pretty good. :)
- I went to buy a smoothie in the SUB, and they gave me a free t-shirt. Sure, it's size Xl, but hey, it's green and orange and pretty darn cute.

However, none of these rambling thoughts are as interesting as my new favorite haiku. Last week I went to Uwajimaya (which was described to me as "the Asian Costco") for the first time, and I loved it. While browsing through the bookstore, I came across a book of haikus. Now, I'm no poet, but it is National Poetry Month, so in honor of this, I cracked open the book. Most of the haikus were about the usual...starlit skies, world peace, the smell of spring...you know. Very calming. But not the following (which was by far my favorite):

A white lotus -
the monk decides
to cut it!

Well, there it is. :) Now go enjoy National Poetry Month, spring, and fresh flowers.


  1. mmm.. so wonderful to read. Your blogs are great! Perfect combination of news, artsy pictures, humor, and reality. Love it! And I'm tempted to write that haiku on my UFDN test.. I think we learned about monks once in the last few weeks... hahaha

  2. Nice photo. Someone needs to explain poetry to me. But, on the other hand, as Pablo Neruda said to Mario in "Il Postino": "When you explain poetry, it becomes banal. Better than any explanation is the experience of feelings that poetry can reveal to a nature open enough to understand it." I still don't get it. But photos do help. Hope today is as fine as yesterday!


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