Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Old Pi Sigma Alpha

Happy Saturday! Or maybe not so happy, if you have as much homework as I do. It's ok, I will just procrastinate by blogging. :)

Today I was officially inducted into the Ivy Honorary Society, which is pretty cool, I guess. (My favorite part was the tulip they gave me, pictured above.)
The benefits of being an Ivy Honorary member include:
-academic recognition by your college or university
-alumni networking
-federal government employment entrance at the GS-7 ranking
and most importantly...
-I can save money at Geico! ("10% or less on car insurance..." can't you just hear the lil gecko? oh, how i adore ubiquitous commercials featuring strange animals)

You just gotta love these strange little societies. They are just so quirky. For example, when you join Ivy Honorary, you get "tapped." I was kinda dreading this part. After your application is reviewed, they decide if you will get into Ivy Honorary or not, and then current members come to the classrooms of new inductees and surprise them by announcing to the class who is accepted, and then they pin a piece of ivy on your shirt and tell you to wear it proudly all day. I didn't really want that kind of attention in front of all my classmates, but sure enough, it happened, and in my uscholar class nonetheless. However, at the induction ceremony today, I was given the Official Member Booklet, and I was soon thanking my lucky stars that my tapping experience was what it was. It could have been much on.

" 'Tapping,' a term which is taken from the literal act of gently tapping a new member on the head with a mortarboard, dates as far back as 1892. Then, new members were tapped in the middle of the night. Members were dressed entirely in black, complete with hoods covering all but their eyes, and surrounded the bed of a selected member. They awakened the new member by uttering a Latin invitation in unison, followed by initiation rites."

Quirky? Creepy? Case in point.

Lest you are disturbed by this history, let me uplift you by sharing the awesome and inspiring Official Song of the Mortar Board Society:

Thy ideals, Pi Sigma Alpha,
We are ever striving toward
As we seek to live thy motto
In the bonds of Mortar Board.
And to you whom we have chosen
In the years both far and near
Comes the privilege of Service
To our Alma Mater Dear

Wow. I must say, I am just feeling inspired to hit my procrastination on the head with a mortar and begin striving towards the heights of academic success by hanging out with my stats book.

Time to get back to real life.


  1. Congrats, what an honor. Keep on striving.

  2. creeeeepy... I better never catch you practicing strange latin choruses. ;) haha great post though. Way to be a part of SPU's elite and allusive Ivy Honorary club. :)


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