Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break: Donald Miller Edition

So far on this break, I have only read one book: Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years (thanks to Chris Kyle, I might add...thanks Chris!). It was a quick read, and I LOVED finding references to Portland and Sellwood and my local haunts. He even mentioned Westmoreland Park, one of my most favorite places.

It was pretty good, and Parts 4&5 of the book were really worth the read. This part really stuck out to me:

"I've also let go of the idea things will ever be made perfect, at least while I am walking around on this planet. I've let go of the idea that this life has a climax. I'm trying to be more Danish, I guess. And the thing is, it works. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. And when you stop expecting material possessions to complete you, you'd be surprised at how much pleasure you get in material possessions. And when you stop expecting God to end all your troubles, you'd be surprised at how much you like spending time with God." (page 206)

This got to me because it's all about expectations. I've always had a problem with having too high of expectations, as my parents have been quick to point out. I think it's because I tend to anticipate things, so I always have some idea what I think something will be like. I think anticipating becomes negative when reality doesn't match up with your expectations, and you react poorly. I'm working on my reactions. :)

I also love this quote:
"When we look back at our lives, what we will remember are the crazy things we did, the times we worked harder to make a day stand out." (page 208)

I want my days to stand out. I want to have adventures. I want to live life and tell a good story and show people Jesus through my words and actions.

And I want to find Donald Miller living in Sellwood. :) (that's my next spring break goal) Onward and upward to Portland!


  1. "Guys! I have the best idea! We're going to kidnap Donald Miller's dog!"
    Thanks Chris Kyle :)

    This is great Sarah! I love that quote. It's so true.. and I love that we made an evening stand out just by telling your sister to embrace a particularly amusing and normally irrelevant moment of life! haha

    So glad to be sitting here listening to you chat with your bro in your HOME in P-town :)

  2. I agree, Miller's latest book is terrific. Considering your life as a story and working to make it a good one is a worthwhile quest.

    As for kidnapping (or more accurately, dognapping), be careful what you put in print. It might come back to bight you (dogs do that, too), when the FBI randomly reads your blog!

    Nice to have you (and Charis) home, even if it is just for a couple of days.


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