12:45 AM.
The rain beats against my window, and the wind shakes the trees outside. I lay awake in bed, listening. The weather matches perfectly my emotions tonight, as I lie in the dark, eyes closed, pictures and memories from the past year replaying in my mind. 2010, you have been a rollercoaster of a ride. Waves of nostalgia wash over me and bring tears to my eyes. In fact, as my eyes well up, I hear the first of the raindrops begin to fall. God, did you plan this rainstorm for me? So I lie there, and I remember. I see faces of friends, I remember conversations, situations, experiences. I mentally walk down the California beach on spring break. It's warm, sunny, and beautiful. I replay emotions and I question, did I do that right? Did I say the right thing, act the right way? Did I make a mistake? Oh yeah, God, that's right, I can't change the past. Thank you for walking with me into the future.
I wish I had been lying on the bunk above you, listening to the same rain, and talking about 2010. I can't believe it's almost over either--I can hardly believe the bliss of sunny California was just earlier this year! But I think I'm ready for a new year. And I think you are too.