Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmastime is Here.

Happiness and cheer.

The presents are wrapped. Can't wait for tomorrow morning! [And no, unlike what you/my family may think, I did not purchase gifts of meat from Otto's Deli, despite the similar brown wrapping paper. Instead, I decided I would skip the gift purchasing this year, handmake all of my gifts, and give the extra $$ to Advent Conspiracy through Mosaic.] Sure hope they like 'em!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


12:45 AM.
The rain beats against my window, and the wind shakes the trees outside. I lay awake in bed, listening. The weather matches perfectly my emotions tonight, as I lie in the dark, eyes closed, pictures and memories from the past year replaying in my mind. 2010, you have been a rollercoaster of a ride. Waves of nostalgia wash over me and bring tears to my eyes. In fact, as my eyes well up, I hear the first of the raindrops begin to fall. God, did you plan this rainstorm for me? So I lie there, and I remember. I see faces of friends, I remember conversations, situations, experiences. I mentally walk down the California beach on spring break. It's warm, sunny, and beautiful. I replay emotions and I question, did I do that right? Did I say the right thing, act the right way? Did I make a mistake? Oh yeah, God, that's right, I can't change the past. Thank you for walking with me into the future.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Home, Home Again

Today I am homeward-bound. [Stories of adventures from Hope Place where I've spent the last 3 weeks will soon follow.]

Saturday, August 28, 2010

boats and dreams and growin' up

[As a warning, if the last two posts weren't any indication, you will probably be seeing many pictures from Crater Lake in future posts. It was just so strikingly beautiful there. These pictures are totally unedited,too! Sometimes I like to up the photo contrast in Photoshop but the colors were so naturally gorgeous that I didn't change a thing.]

We hiked around and down to the edge of Crater Lake one day during our vacation. I was so drawn to this boat, floating all alone at the edge of the lake. Besides the fact that it lent to a beautiful photo composition, I loved the image of a single, small boat floating at the edge of a huge lake. In a way, it's like a reflection of my life. Going into my senior year, I feel like I'm on the cusp of taking the next big step. Like this boat, I feel small and alone, at times, especially because I am making decisions for myself, not for anyone else nor is anyone included in the decision I make. But at the same time, there is a whole wide range of possibilities and I have potential to sail away into the lake, so to speak (although actually I might say the sea...sounds better). Anyway, I'm not much of an analogy least I don't come up with very good ones, but for what it's worth, there it is. In a more down-to-earth fashion, it's time to start thinking about what's to come, filling out applications, sending in resumes, tracking deadlines. Oh boy.

And so that's enough time spent creating word pictures for tonight. On tomorrow's agenda: updating my resume.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Family Vacation... 10 words or less:

Gorgeous natural beauty. Family time. Spectacular plays. Warmth, sunshine. Relaxation.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

p-town lovin

10 Reasons Why I Love Portland:

1. Well, the obvious. I grew up here, I know the place well, and I have all my childhood memories here. My family is here. This is where my roots are.

2 & 3. Because of the two great Portland things pictured above: (1) biking and (2) Stumptown Coffee. [As a side note, this picture is from today, taken at the first & main Stumptown shop...and that is my new bike in the background!]

4. People care about the environment here.

5. Fresh fruit, vegetarian, and vegan options abound thanks to a little streak of health nut-hippie that runs in Portland blood.

6. Portland is walkable. Also, bike-able. Pretty much anywhere I want to go is within 3-5 miles of my house.

7. Mild weather. This summer has been a little TOO mild overall, but hey, gotta love the moderate temperatures year-round.

8. It is absolutely normal for total strangers to greet each other when passing on the street.

9. Portland has awesome events, especially in the summer. I love street fairs, Sunday Parkways, and neighborhood festivals.

10. Portland can be easily navigated. Whoever came up with the numerical streets crossed by alphabetized streets was a genius city planner. Gotta love Ankeny, Burnside, Couch, David, Everett, Flanders, etc, etc.

I love love love this city!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Weekend in Photos.

Beach Day. Yard Sale. Sunday Parkway Bike Ride. Hawthorne Street Fair. 95 degree goodness.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So. Much. Stuff. It's garage sale time! AKA, time to sort, organize, clean, price, and set up. Hello, busy week.

Monday, August 9, 2010

10 Things I Love About Summer

1. The blackberries growing over the fence into my backyard (seen above).

2. Cooking and cooking and cooking...trying out all kinds of new recipes, which I will bring with me to school next year. Mostly vegetarian...I'm on a new meatless kick.

3. Teaching swim lessons, especially to kids with Down's Syndrome. Irvin and Thomas make my day every day.

4. My swim team kids.

5. Exercising!

6. Having time and a car to go buy things I need (or want!), which is so much easier at home than at school.

7. Hiking and watching movies with my dad, and playing games with my family. These things pretty much only happen in summer.

8. Fruit smoothies.

9. Farmer's markets and eating organic food. Also, any and all food coming from our garden.

10. Going to Mosaic. I sure do love that church.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So, when you're on a spending streak, why not spend more? This was my philosophy this weekend. I figured I'm getting paid next Thursday, so I might as well go ahead and spent my whole paycheck (and more) ahead of time. ;) Actually, I just finally got around to buying some things I've wanted for a very long time. Yesterday was my new bike (see post below), and today I brought home my very own Nikon D3000 Digital SLR (with additional lens and bag to boot)!

This has been my dream for a long time - to have a digital SLR and learn to enhance my photography skills. Ironically, while I've been trying to sell photos on my etsy site, the only ones that have ever sold were taken on my little point-and-shoot. I won't let this deter me from learning to use my new camera, though!

Watch out, blog! Killer pictures to come.

[P.S. The above photo was taken with my new camera, as is. No photoshopping or editing occurred.]

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Sleek New Ride

The title is self explanatory. [I may be terrible at blogging but] I have a new bike for the first time in a decade. And I am so excited.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today is my sister Becca's birthday. She is 17 - how did that happen? We are celebrating with only the best - cheesecake and raspberries!

Birthdays make me reminisce. I remember turning 17... and then time flew and suddenly I'm 21, but I still feel like I could be 17 at times. Especially in the summertime, it's funny to realize I'm getting older. I'm back working the same job with a lot of the same people, and even teaching the same kids! It's like a little dreamworld where hardly anything changes. But then I remember, oh yeah, I am older. I did go away to college, I was a PA, I have completed 3/4 of getting my degree. I have changed. And my little sister is now 17 (and she finally got her permit yesterday while she was still a 16-year-old). :)

And from what I hear, life only gets faster. Birthdays are a good reminder to make the most of the time we have because before you know it, your 17th birthday is just a distant memory - but hopefully just one of many great memories in a fulfilled life.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Craft Central

Wow, summer is awesome. After a particularly crazy year, it's been so wonderful to enjoy lazy afternoons, chatting on the phone with friends (and not feel the nagging stress of homework!), reading for fun, and most of all, doing crafts!

This summer my crafts of choice are handmade journals (made from maps!) and frames with screen - perfect for hanging earrings. I've been watching the World Cup and crafting at the same time. This last Thursday I sold my crafts at the Last Thursday street fair on Alberta Street. Sales were...ok. I only sold 2 frames and some other little craft items, but I made $27, and hey, that's $27 dollars I didn't have before, which is awesome. I just posted all my journals (and will soon post my frames) on my etsy site, so check that out! And click on the pictures - then I get more views. :)

Other than that, summer is starting out SO well. The sun finally came out, and it really feels warm. I have 10,000 freckles and tan lines that won't disappear and I'm starting to talk like a little kid after teaching lessons all day. So all is right with the world. :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Summer in a paragraph:

Sun. Swimming. Crafts. Tan lines. Flip flops. Popsicles. Freckles. Sunscreen. Chlorine. Reading [for FUN]. Afternoon naps. Shorts. Last Thursday. Soccer. Movies. Sunrises. Babysitting. Farmer's Markets. Fresh Fruit. Family. [No homework.] Warmth.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Welcome to Summer 2010!

This is it. Summer has arrived. To all my faithful followers (aka Charis and Dad), I apologize for not blogging a single time during spring quarter. It was one heck of quarter...10 weeks during which I was sick for about 8, my classes were killing me, and I was busily wrapping up PA things and getting ready for summer. And now it's here!

I'm home, home again, working at the pool for my 7th summer, which is as long as Jacob had to work to marry Rachel, so I really think I should get some kind of prize for my longevity (it's Biblical!). But I guess I'll have to settle for earning $12.75/hour. (not too shabby)

On top of that, I'm 21, I'm footloose and fancy free, and I have some great summer plans to make an epic Summer 2010. Here's the top three things on my To-Do List:
- Olivia and I have grand ambitions to try different coffee shops all over Portland and compare them. We're looking especially for coffeeshops that serve fair trade. Be checking back on the blog to see the results! (And I should credit Michael Frank for giving me this idea...and he's doing the same thing in Seattle this summer...can't wait to see the sweet places he discovers!)
- Secondly, I have been getting my craft on, just in time to sell at the Alberta Last Thursday Street Fair this Thursday. I've got frames with screen (perfect for hanging earrings), journals, and hair accessories galore. Whatever I don't sell will probably be put in my etsy shop...hopefully bringing in a little extra summer income.
- I'm having a garage sale! I'm clearing out old things I don't need (and a lot of floor decorations I got at garage sales last year) and convincing my family to get rid of things too. Last summer Erin and I became garage sale connoisseurs, so this year we're going to try our hand at having our own garage sale (with excellent sign coverage, of course).

Oh, and how could I forget? This month is World Cup, and that means soccer (I really should say football) almost 24/7 here, complete with "themed cuisine," meaning that at least one meal a day is an international dish featuring one of the teams playing each day. It's time to go eat Italian food, and watch Brazil play!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break: Donald Miller Edition

So far on this break, I have only read one book: Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years (thanks to Chris Kyle, I might add...thanks Chris!). It was a quick read, and I LOVED finding references to Portland and Sellwood and my local haunts. He even mentioned Westmoreland Park, one of my most favorite places.

It was pretty good, and Parts 4&5 of the book were really worth the read. This part really stuck out to me:

"I've also let go of the idea things will ever be made perfect, at least while I am walking around on this planet. I've let go of the idea that this life has a climax. I'm trying to be more Danish, I guess. And the thing is, it works. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. And when you stop expecting material possessions to complete you, you'd be surprised at how much pleasure you get in material possessions. And when you stop expecting God to end all your troubles, you'd be surprised at how much you like spending time with God." (page 206)

This got to me because it's all about expectations. I've always had a problem with having too high of expectations, as my parents have been quick to point out. I think it's because I tend to anticipate things, so I always have some idea what I think something will be like. I think anticipating becomes negative when reality doesn't match up with your expectations, and you react poorly. I'm working on my reactions. :)

I also love this quote:
"When we look back at our lives, what we will remember are the crazy things we did, the times we worked harder to make a day stand out." (page 208)

I want my days to stand out. I want to have adventures. I want to live life and tell a good story and show people Jesus through my words and actions.

And I want to find Donald Miller living in Sellwood. :) (that's my next spring break goal) Onward and upward to Portland!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break: Food Journal Edition

Well hello there, it's been a while! I had the busiest quarter of my life, so needless to say, I didn't find a whole lot of extra time to blog. But now it's SPRING BREAK and I'm living the life in the great state of California at my good friend M Frank's house. Among other things, eating good food (and lots of it!) is a priority to the Frank family, and I've decided to really adopt this policy for my break. :) Hence, this blog is a photo food journal of my travels this break.

Exhibition #1: Fro yo, take 1. Fro yo (frozen yogurt) is a big deal down here in SoCal. Naturally, we are taking full advantage of this and trying as many fro yo places as we can find. This is from Golden Spoon, our first fro yo stop, at Laguna Beach. I got cake batter with Heath bars. :)

Exhibition #2: Dim sum! This was my first time having dim sum, and I sure did pick the right family to go with. The Franks knew the owners of this restaurant, and they knew exactly what to get.

Exhibition #3: My plate of Chinese goodness.

Exhibition #4: I went with Charis to see her high school friends who are in the area, and we went out for Thai food. I got mussamun beef curry - my family would be proud. It was goooooood.

As I heard on a food show just this morning "the best way to experience a culture is through trying their food." So I'm just gonna keep on experiencing the SoCal culture, and living the life (for 2 more days anyway). :)

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